Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Rick couldn't help me today because he got called out on an emergency job. He does industrial electrical work--mostly pump stations for the water companies in the tri-state area, so when they're down, he's gotta run or people have no water! We've got a huge storm going over us right now--ice, rain & slush!--so he's probably going to be running around in it all day. My poor baby!

I put together the remaining smaller units today. I've got two more of the big ones, but I'm gonna wait until Rick's here cause I needed his help with the others. Those big guys are definitely a two-person job!

I had lots of boxes left, so I opened one to check it out. Drawers ... I almost forgot! I ordered 3 different types of drawers ... 5 deep, 8 shallow, and 3 glass (don't ask me where I came up with these numbers!). The first one went together pretty easy, and pretty soon, I was on a roll! I installed two of them into one of the shelf units to see how they looked, and I love 'em!

Since I can't put these units in their permanent homes yet, I just laid the rest of the drawers on shelves of the finished units until I see where I want to put them.

I really wish I could just move these to where I want them and start filling them up, but I gotta wait for Rick to finish wiring the lights. Maybe I'll do the 2nd coat of paint today to get that done while I'm waiting for him.


Anonymous said...

I commend you, having gone the "some assembly required" route many times in the past. I can do it, but don't like doing it, so at this point in my life, I WON'T do it. But my admiration for those who do is endless.
Your space is going to be awesome, and maybe one of these days I'll make it across the river to see for myself!

Lori said...

Oh man, those units are HUGE! Just think of all the crap you can put in these! lol! Love seeing your progression here, wish I could get that organized! lol!

Kathy Eddy said...

Wow, thise babies look enormous! I can't wait until you get them totally put together so we can see them. I bet you are just about to burst with excitement and anticipation!

LaStamper said...

Steph - you are on a roll. Can't wait to see tomorrow's accomplishments. Awesome.

Unknown said...

It's looking great! -Christie